New - ØMQ Labs!

The sign of a healthy open source project is an active community, and the ZeroMQ community is one of the most creative and active around. We're still small, only a few hundred people on the zeromq-dev list, but there is something magical about this software. As we unpack, build, and start to use it, it opens doors that we never even knew existed. The impossible becomes feasible, then obvious. Pure scalability is an exciting catalyst and even the most jaded developer, watching Oliver Smith's video intro, starts to wonder, "what could I make with this…?

We've started to document open source projects that use ZeroMQ. But most projects start as ideas or prototypes, and so we're collecting ideas and works in progress from the mailing list, so that people exploring ZeroMQ can see what others are working on.

This is ØMQ Labs. It's nothing complex, just a list of stuff that people are thinking about, or working on. There are projects like Matt Weinstein's Reactor Pattern, and Oliver Smith's research into parallel sorts running over ZeroMQ. Feel free to add your ideas and projects.